Monthly Archives: September 2018

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

The View From My Chair, Part 1

Two or three years ago, I began to get the urge to write a book.  The title of this post was the title  that I contemplated.  You see, over the years, I’ve wondered if my clients can see what I see when I…

Baby Steps and Flat Tires

I just hung up from a phone conversation with a friend. His partner needed help taking care of a flat tire and so our conversation was a bit shorter than usual. Shortly after, we were texting and I let him know that filling…

Drowning in a Desert

I was riding in the car with a friend recently and we hit that lull that happens when you travel distances with others. That moment when the conversation stops, the music becomes just background noise and you look aimlessly out the window. As…

Reverse the Golden Rule

Growing up the Golden Rule was taught everywhere; in the home, at school and in communities of faith. But, today it struck me that perhaps we should look at the reverse of the Golden Rule. So, as a quick refresher, the Golden Rule…

What’s so Wrong with Avoiding?

I remember being a young child and saying something to the effect of “It hurts when I do this.”  And my parent responded “Then don’t do that.”  Am I the only one?  Surely I’m not. In fact, I know I’m not.  Now, I…
