Tag Archives: trauma

Lessons Learned From A Sex Trafficker

Warning– Possible triggers I’ve had a really difficult time crafting this blog entry.  The reason is that I absolutely hate articles that are done in such a way as to increase guilt. In fact, if you post something on Facebook that implies I’m…


Ok, a bit of a warning. This post has a lot of humor and is a bit on the mental health geeky side too. Apparently, the infamous satire website “The Onion” has decided to take on the APA and the DSM-5. To read…

The Dark Side of Resiliency

  As I typed this title, I could hear the Star Wars theme running through my mind. No, I don’t think resiliency is Darth Vader or a Sith Lord. However, sometimes the most resilient people (we’ll call them Jedi Knights for this blog)…

What exactly is Resiliency?

Webster’s Dictionary defines resilience as: 1. the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress 2. an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change The second definition is the…
