Tag Archives: mindfulness


I’m beginning to think that Merriam-Webster’s third-grade teachers failed them. Their definition of intentional is to do something with intention. Am I the only one who heard Mrs. D’s voice say, “You can’t use the word in the definition of the word”? Giving…

When the Mirror Gets in the Way of Living in the Moment

As you know, I strongly believe that part of living the life worth living is LIVING it. It does us no good to create a life with adventure, love and laughter and then not engage in it fully. You also know, if you’ve…

CLICK!- Are Your Living in Fast Forward or Rewind?

The title of this blog comes from a 2006 Adam Sandler Film (for the trailer you can look here, note the show is PG-13) called “Click”.  This movie tells the story of the ‘stereotypical father’, who has the thought that wouldn’t it be nice…
