Tag Archives: mental health

The Power of Being Seen

I was driving in my neighborhood the other day and happened to pass a local elementary school during recess. There was a group of children all huddled around the wire fence. Each was waving franticly at cars passing by. I waved back and…

Fingerprints on the Soul

I was just chatting with someone today and the conversation turned to what it can feel like when I speak with someone, or walk their journey with them. I shared that because I have what the Judeo-Christian faith refers to as the gift…

We Remember

Television and movies often do a terrible job of showing the therapeutic relationship. Either the therapist is only clinical and shows no attachment or connection with the client, or they have loose boundaries that result in unprofessional and sometimes dangerous behaviors. Today, I…

When the Mirror Gets in the Way of Living in the Moment

As you know, I strongly believe that part of living the life worth living is LIVING it. It does us no good to create a life with adventure, love and laughter and then not engage in it fully. You also know, if you’ve…

When You’re Not Alone on Your Social Media

I was scrolling through my social media the other day when I came across an acquaintance’s page. Someone I didn’t really knew, but had frequent contact in the past. Someone with just enough in common to put us in the same circles for a…

Keys to Making Decisions When You’re “Burned-Out”

After my most recent blog about Lessons Learned from Scary Movies, I have been thinking over and over about how we make decisions and when. I came to the realization that whether we are changing jobs, ending a relationship, relocating, or any of…

Lessons Learned from Scary Movies

Whether you enjoy and seek out scary movies or whether you avoid them like the plague, my guess is you’ve seen this story play out on the screen and in real life.  You see, even in movies like “Jurassic Park,” this element is…

Lessons Learned From the Beach: Part 1

It’s no secret that the beach is a place of peace and rejuvenation, centering so many people. This blog looks at lessons learned walking the beach at sunset.

Baby Steps and Flat Tires

I just hung up from a phone conversation with a friend. His partner needed help taking care of a flat tire and so our conversation was a bit shorter than usual. Shortly after, we were texting and I let him know that filling…

What’s so Wrong with Avoiding?

I remember being a young child and saying something to the effect of “It hurts when I do this.”  And my parent responded “Then don’t do that.”  Am I the only one?  Surely I’m not. In fact, I know I’m not.  Now, I…
