Tag Archives: Findlay

The View From My Chair, Part 3

April is “Counseling Awareness Month” so I thought I should take a moment and share with you what to expect when you come and see me or any other counselor. Now, not every counselor is the same and our offices often reflect who…

Bystander Effect

I remember hearing about the bystander effect. I’m pretty sure that the first time I ever heard it was a sociology course in high school. Regardless of where I heard it; I heard it at a time when I was young, naïve and…

The Dark Side of Resiliency

  As I typed this title, I could hear the Star Wars theme running through my mind. No, I don’t think resiliency is Darth Vader or a Sith Lord. However, sometimes the most resilient people (we’ll call them Jedi Knights for this blog)…

Trauma-Informed RESILIENCE

The counseling field has been buzzing about Trauma Informed Care for a number of years now. This has resulted in a strong and much needed push to move from “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” Conversely, we find ourselves in…
