Monthly Archives: March 2019

Archive of posts published in the specified Month


I’m beginning to think that Merriam-Webster’s third-grade teachers failed them. Their definition of intentional is to do something with intention. Am I the only one who heard Mrs. D’s voice say, “You can’t use the word in the definition of the word”? Giving…

The View From My Chair, Part 2

Part 1 of this series focused on the fact that you are BRAVE! So today, I’m finally getting to the second part of this series. You are WORTHY! When I sat down to my computer to type this, it isn’t what I thought…

Taking Fear for a Ride

Ever get “Uncomfortable” feelings when you try to do something new or try to follow our values? Of course you do! We all do. For me, it makes sense to view these feelings as monsters. Typically, for me, most of them aren’t something…

The Power of Being Seen

I was driving in my neighborhood the other day and happened to pass a local elementary school during recess. There was a group of children all huddled around the wire fence. Each was waving franticly at cars passing by. I waved back and…
