As you know, I strongly believe that part of living the life worth living is LIVING it. It does us no good to create a life with adventure, love and laughter and then not engage in it fully. You also know, if you’ve…
As you know, I strongly believe that part of living the life worth living is LIVING it. It does us no good to create a life with adventure, love and laughter and then not engage in it fully. You also know, if you’ve…
I was scrolling through my social media the other day when I came across an acquaintance’s page. Someone I didn’t really knew, but had frequent contact in the past. Someone with just enough in common to put us in the same circles for a…
After my most recent blog about Lessons Learned from Scary Movies, I have been thinking over and over about how we make decisions and when. I came to the realization that whether we are changing jobs, ending a relationship, relocating, or any of…
Whether you enjoy and seek out scary movies or whether you avoid them like the plague, my guess is you’ve seen this story play out on the screen and in real life. You see, even in movies like “Jurassic Park,” this element is…